
This new preaching series will turn us once more to the centrality of Jesus Christ and His Spirit – not only for our acceptance by God, but also for life now as His people. Galatians teaches that from the earliest days of the Church, its message was all about Jesus.
Too easily, we stray from that awesome simplicity and add things: movements to join, laws to keep, statuses to attain, extra propositions to believe, social groups to be a part of or to avoid. Like all of Paul's writings, the Book of Galatians is an epistle; it's a letter. Paul had founded the Christian church in the region of Galatia during his early missionary journeys. After leaving the region, he wrote the letter we now call the Book of Galatians in order to encourage the church he planted -- and to offer the truth  to counter some of the ways they had gone astray.
The church had moved away from the simple fact that Jesus is for all time the only WAY and the only ONE in whom we have salvation and relationship with God. For Paul as well as for us NOTHING or NO ONE else will do. The epistle to the church in Galatia is all about Jesus.
The resources in this blog will help us all engage with this wonderful book and will provide for us a one stop shop for a guided way through the epistle. You will find here resources for preaching, worship, commentary, children's work, media and a whole lot more. Enjoy!

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